Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baba and Daddy Gus by: Bell Hooks

I like mostly in the beggining of the story how Bell Hooks used metaphors to discribe her grandparents. There was one in the fourth paragraph that she said "Together Baba and Daddy Gus generated a hot heat" and it made me realized that those are the words that described my Uncle Michael and his wife Nycole. One thing that caught my attention was that for them to married so long, how can maintain not speaking or doing anything with one another? As I read, I thought to myself if that was the way to keep thier relationship stronger of the fact that they didn't want thier grandchildern to see them in misery. Daddy Gus reminds me so much of my Uncle Ivory, a hard worker since he was young, unique treasures in his house from his past and old school. Just by hearing what the writer says about her grandparent, means that they really meant a lot to her and that emotions were deep for them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I think that the Cathedral is a good story because it puts a lot of feeling and emotion through out the paragraphs. Especially when the narrator explains that the blind man had lost his wife and how he sat by her side in the hospitle room as she was lay to rest. I knew the blind man was wise because of the years that came along him and how he could remember thing just by his senses like, touch, hearing, and smell like he said that he havn't been on the train near fourty years and just by smelling the smoke took him back as him being a little boy with his parents. I kind of dislike how the narrator's husband was kind of a jerk towards the old man beacuse of him catching his wife's attention but the old man didn't mind him at all and kept on being the guy he was.